Seminars allow JSCA to socialize regional experiences related to civil justice reform processes and access to justice. During the first years of the project, these activities were held in person. Key milestones include the international seminar held in Viña del Mar in 2015 to present the project and its objectives and the 2016 international seminar held in Buenos Aires with the Argentine Justice and Human Rights Ministry.

The international seminars were replaced with virtual seminars due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This generated a much greater impact in the sense that hundreds of people participated in seminars on topics of vital importance such as the “International Seminar on Civil Procedure Reforms in Latin America,” which had 500 participants. It would be difficult to achieve that level of engagement through an in-person seminar. Furthermore, early registration allows us to collect participants’ email addresses and other information, which contributes to JSCA’s efforts to expand its databases.


Promoting Access to Justice for At-risk Individuals and Groups

Held within the framework of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – 25N, the Seminar aims to address the progress and structural and operational challenges in order to contribute to achieving gender equality in access to justice in the Americas, identifying both the main gender gaps and barriers, as well as good practices in the matter.

YouTube video

Promoting Access to Justice for At-risk Individuals and Groups

The second seminar in this series focused on the situation of at-risk detained individuals in the Southern Cone. The goal was to analyze government responses to events that violate detainees’ fundamental rights and to present best practices and innovative experiences.

YouTube video

People and Groups on the Move in Mexico and Central America

This event was designed to develop a thematic regional agenda on the specific role of criminal and other justice institutions in protecting the rights of people on the move from a perspective of gender and intersectionality.


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Panel on Digital Justice and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)


Presentation of the Report on Online Dispute Resolution


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Webinar: Civil Procedure Reform in Paraguay in Light of the Latin America’s Experience


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Dialogue on Judicial Conduct and Ethics
(Signing of cooperation agreement)


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Seminar on Justice and Social Context

This seminar included the launch of the publication “The Evolution of Justice and Social Context in Canada” and a round-table discussion entitled “The Judicial Branch and the Gender Perspective.”

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Webinar on Constitutional Dialogue between Chile and Canada

The activity featured Chilean and international experts who shared their perspectives on the relationship between the rights of indigenous peoples in Canada’s Constitution and the new constitution that will emerge from Chile’s referendum.


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Seminar on Environmental Civil Litigation in Latin America: Challenges and Perspective

This activity was held to present the Manual on Litigating Complex Environmental Civil Cases.

Document in spanish
Manual de Litigación en Casos Civiles Complejos Medioambientales

Youtube Video


International Seminar: Civil Procedure Reforms in Latin America

This activity was held to present the “Comparative Study on Civil Procedure Reforms in Latin America.” The publication analyzes eight civil justice reforms implemented in the region over the past 12 years. It also proposes responses that are meant to serve as bridges for dialogue in order to recover a shared Latin American repertory, share experiences and create tools that can be used to seek out solutions to the regulatory deficiencies or imbalances observed.

Youtube Video


Seminar: Case Management as a Mechanism of Flexibility and Efficiency in the Judicial Process

This activity featured presentations of experiences with case management. Case management in comparative doctrine is a concept that sheds light on instruments focused on achieving efficiency, the criteria of flexibility and procedural adaptation, resource rationalization, and the cooperation of the parties under the judge’s supervision.


Youtube Video


International Seminar on Judicial Government

This seminar presented a conceptual and political framework on the understanding of judicial government, the situation of the five countries included in the study and the guidelines that JSCA is promoting in order to update discussions of judicial independence in the region. The activity was sponsored by the Chilean Judiciary and the Due Process of Law Foundation.


International Seminar: Overview of Judicial Reform in Latin

This activity was held to present the regional report on the experiences of 23 countries in the region 25 years after beginning to implement the adversarial system.


International Seminar: The Precedents System in Latin America Based on Canada’s Experience

The activity was part of the judiciary’s celebration of Peruvian Judges’ Day. Its purpose was to address the institution’s main characteristics and examine how it works and the results it can offer in order to analyze the conditions under which it can be applied in Latin America and its characteristics.


Seminar: Judicial Training Practices in Brazil and Latin America

The goal of the seminar was to share best practices of Latin American judicial academies. The focus areas were identifying training needs, assessing training programs and participants, training program design and the development of innovative methodologies.



Conference on Oral Proceedings in Civil Justice

The purpose of the activity was to contribute ideas for enriching the discussion and developing a broader perspective on the implications of oral proceedings in terms of meeting human rights standards related to due process, greater transparency in judges’ decision-making processes, substantive improvements in the quality of the information included in discussions and greater involvement of affected parties, among other key factors related to the use of oral proceedings.


XIII International Seminar on Civil Judicial Management

The purpose of the activity was to disseminate best civil justice management practices in the region and to discuss the topic. The event was organized by JSCA in collaboration with the Brazilian Procedure Law Institute (IBDP) and FGV Direito SP. Representatives from various countries took part in the event, including Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala, Peru and Colombia.



Regional Seminar: Towards A More Efficient and Accessible Civil Justice System

The activity was held in a local context in which change is necessary due to the difference with the criminal justice system. In-depth analysis of and projections regarding comprehensive civil justice reform are still pending in the Santa Fe province.


Seminar: The Civil Justice System in Uruguay

The activity focused on the current state of Uruguay’s civil justice system, offering a space for discussion, analysis and the identification of new challenges.


International Justice Houses Meeting on Argentina and Latin America

This activity was held to present comparative experiences and focus on consensual dispute resolution methods as tools at the service of social peace.


Seminar: Judicial Training in Latin America

This activity was designed to examine the work of Latin American judicial training institutions. Specifically, best and promising practices were identified in five areas. They are: identifying training needs; innovative research or training plans; innovative training methods; tools for promoting international judicial cooperation in the area of judicial training; and assessing training participants’ performance and the effect of training activities.



International meeting: The Civil Society Agenda in Judicial Reform Processes in Latin America

This activity consisted of two parts. The first was a public international seminar. Non-governmental Organizations discussed civil and criminal justice reform processes. The second was a workshop on critical areas identified in criminal and civil justice.


International Seminar: Current Discussions on Civil Justice Reform in Latin America

The purpose of this activity was to present and discuss how reform in this area should be structured, its main characteristics and how 21st century justice system processes should be developed.



International Seminar: New Challenges for the Reform of Civil Justice in Latin America

This activity was held to present the main international experiences with civil justice reform.