In the context of the project “Improving Access to Civil Justice in Latin America,” a series of studies were conducted using qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The goal was to generate knowledge and distribute the research performed freely. As such, the publications have been added to JSCA’s Virtual Library and distributed in print form.

One key area of JSCA’s work is the development of studies focused on identifying best practices. These publications are meant to highlight innovative initiatives implemented in the area of justice. Based on this, the comparative approach is a fundamental characteristic of the studies that JSCA developed for the GAC project given that it allows us to expand on the successful experiences of other countries in civil justice reform.

These research products focus on both regulatory aspects and judicial management. This issue should be considered in all justice system reforms in order to support judicial activity and is fundamental to the success of reform processes. This aligns with the public policy approach that is the foundation of JSCA’s projects and studies.

This project developed 40 publications.