XXIV Meeting of Board Directors
In Santiago, on Friday, November 12, 2010, the Board of Directors met, with the participation of the Directors Russell Wheeler (President), Hebe Martínez, (Vice President), Marc Rosenberg, Lucila Larrandart, Carlos Maldonado and Delano Bart and, under of article 13 of its Statute and 11, 12, 18 and 19 of its Regulations, resolves:
- To congratulate Mrs. Carlos Maldonado and Delano Bart for their assumption as Directors of JSCA.
- To express its satisfaction with the presentation of the Executive Director Cristian Riego, of the Annual Report of Activities and Financial Report 2010.
- Approve the Financial Plan and Action Plan for the year 2011. With respect to the Financial Plan, the continuation of efforts to reduce operational costs, favoring the financing of JSCA’s permanent tasks and reorienting new services according to the priorities detected, stands out. in regional work. Finally, with regard to the Action Plan, the comments made by Counselor Delano Bart, in the sense of linking the topic related to witness protection, with the institutional activities of JSCA are noted.
- Approve the Audit Report presented by the company Moore Stephens and provide adequate publicity on the institutional site of JSCA.
- Ratify the agreements signed with the Austral University of Buenos Aires, the National Council of Justice of Brazil and the Ministry of the Interior of Chile.
- Appointing unanimously Dr. Hebe Martinez as President of JSCA and Judge Marc Rosenberg as Vice-President, as of May 1, 2011, the date on which expires the term of the current President, Russell Wheeler.
- To approve the holding of a next meeting of the Directing Council, tentatively during the month of May 2011 and, in no case, after the development of the next General Assembly of the OAS in the month of June of that same year, for which the Executive Secretary is entrusted with the necessary coordination for this purpose.
- Dismiss the Board Directors Lucila Larrandart who served for three years as a member of this Council, thanking her for her personal dedication and professional contribution.