Resolutions 2005
In Kingston, on June 20, 2005, the Board of Directors met in that city, with the participation of the titular Directors George M Thomson, Lloyd Ellis, Douglass Cassel and Germán Garavano, pursuant to article 13 of its Statute and 18 and 19 of its Regulations, resolves:
- To thank the presence of the members of CIDA and USAID, in the persons of Gérald Le Francois, Dennis Darby and Lynn Vega, and their illustrative explanations regarding the execution of the projects of their institutions with JSCA and the Region.
- To express its gratitude for the effusive and warm reception and attention of Justice Lloyd Ellis, host of the Council in Jamaica, as well as with the collaboration of the Government of Jamaica in the organization of the meeting.
- To sanction the Resolutions of the XI Directing Council, with two orthographic errata to the names of Fay Frances Armstrong and Douglass Cassel.
- Approve the account of the Executive Director, congratulating him on his management. The achievements in projects supporting the improvement of criminal justice systems, particularly the one in execution in the city of Mar del Plata, the training program for trainers in criminal procedure reform and criminal prosecution, and the preparation of a new version of the Report on Justice in the Americas.
- To approve the granting of a period of fifteen days in order for the Managing Directors to analyze the preliminary version of the Report on Justice in the Americas, with the purpose of making observations particularly with regard to data related to their countries.
- Approve the Strategic Plan 2005 - 2009, coinciding in the presentation of the four matrices on which it is structured, namely: 1) Generation of knowledge and information; 2) Training in judicial reform; 3) Contact and dissemination of information and 4) Technical Assistance. In turn, the Board supports the strategic design for the financing of the Plan, in terms of the total amount of the budget, the diversification of funding sources and the consolidation of permanent contributions.
- To authorize the Executive Director to conduct a first qualitative exercise on the state of justice in the Region, including the JSCA's assessment of the reform processes of the member countries of the Organization, in all areas of the Systems of Justice.
- Advance in the way of generating a network of judicial schools that supports efforts to improve judicial training by bringing them closer to the reform processes and the actors that lead them. The idea, expressed by the Executive Direction, of giving schools tools and incentives for accreditation and self-evaluation of their operation is shared.
- Rethink the initiative to conduct a global evaluation of the Center, with a view to its objectives and strategic purposes. This rethinking must take into account: 1) the real efficiency of this strategy to obtain new financial support; 2) the independence of the evaluator that allows adding value to the existing vision on JSCA in the Region and 3) the degree of knowledge and adequate approach with which the study must be carried out, taking into account the expertise of the tasks performed by the Center.
- To approve the agreements that JSCA has signed with the Association of Magistrates and Judicial Officers of Córdoba, with the State of Puebla, and the addendum to the Agreement with the Province of Buenos Aires.
- Schedule the next meeting of this Council for the month of December 2005, at the headquarters of JSCA in Santiago, Chile, together with the meeting of the Editorial Committee of the Judicial Systems Journal published by the Center, according to the same scheme developed. at the XI Council held in Santiago in December of last year. At first it was thought for days 8 and 9, but after confirming that day 8 is a holiday, it is proposed for days 15 and 16.
In Santiago, on December 16, 2005, the Board of Directors met in that city, with the participation of the titular Directors George M Thomson, Jaime Arellano, Lloyd Ellis, Douglass Cassel, Germán Garavano and the presence of the Elected Counselor Hebe Martinez, by virtue of Article 13 of its Statute and 18 and 19 of its Regulations, it resolves:
- To congratulate the Executive Director for the joint meeting organized in conjunction with the Editorial Committee on the 15th of the currents, thanking the attendance of its members and the voluntary contribution they make to the development of the institution.
- To sanction the Resolutions of the XII Directing Council, held in Jamaica, dated June 16.
- To congratulate Dr. Hebe Martinez and Dr. Carlos Eduardo Caputo for their recent appointment, within the framework of the XXXV General Assembly of the OAS, as Members of the JSCA Board of Directors and to welcome them.
- To approve the Annual Activity Report presented by the Executive Director, congratulating him on his management, highlighting especially the presentation made by the Training Coordinator, Mauricio Duce, in relation to the Project "Strategies and Perspectives for Work in the Justice Sector" Criminal in Latin America ", concentrated on pilot experiences in the cities of Mar del Plata, Argentina and Cuenca, Ecuador, and the publication of the Second Report on Justice in the Americas (2004-2005) published by JSCA.
- To provide that for the final approval of the 2005 Financial Report and the 2006 budget, the Executive Director sends to the Directors by e-mail information that complements their data disaggregated and allows a balanced budget for the next year, taking into account the resources that the institution. In compliance with the above, the Executive Director must send the information in the course of the week that elapses between December 19 and 23 and the Managing Directors pronounce on it before Friday, the 31st of the same month, of the current year.
- The Board wishes to express that for the proper fulfillment of the objectives for which JSCA was conceived and for the institution to be viable over time, it is essential to have direct contributions from its member states that at least allow it to finance its expenses basic functions and the generation of regional public goods that have been entrusted to it. The foregoing does not prevent the institution from being able to and must obtain resources from other sources to carry out its plans and activities.
- It is entrusted to the Directors Thomson, Cassel and Arellano, to carry out relevant procedures, which within their powers, facilitate the process of obtaining contributions from the Governments of the United States of America and Canada and the rest of the Directors. help, with their respective governments, in obtaining voluntary contributions.
- Ratify the agreements signed by the Executive Director with the following bodies and institutions, namely: - University of Florida. - Council of the Judiciary of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. - Carolina Foundation of Argentina. - Vice-Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bolivia. - General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bolivia. - Superior Court of Justice of the State of Zacatecas. - Public Ministry of Peru. - Government, Superior Court of Justice and Public Ministry of the Province of Córdoba, together with INECIP.
- Discuss in the course of the first quarter of next year the date for holding an XIV Meeting of the Board of Directors, being a possibility to study that it takes place on the occasion of the VI Meeting of Ministers of Justice or Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas (REMJA), which is scheduled for April 24 to 26, 2006 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.