In January of 2019, JSCA and the German Cooperation Agency GIZ DIRAJus launched a project focused on understanding how recognition of economic, social, cultural and environmental rights works in the Latin American signatory countries of the San Salvador Protocol and other agreements.
They issued a broad call for submissions to analyze how conflicts emerge, how they are identified, and their causes. Additional topics addressed include the strategies, activities and actions undertaken to approach and coordinate social actors; construction of the conflict in the judicial case and its institutionalization; the limitations and externalities that explain and surround the judicial case, its processing, the results and the fulfillment.
We received 60 proposals from throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. A Review Committee comprised of JSCA and GIZ representatives selected 20 proposals from nine countries in the region.
CEJA y GIZ presentan hallazgos sobre el déficit en el reconocimiento de los Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales (DESCA) en Chile y otros países de América Latina
Información Institucional
Informe de Gestión
Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas
Director responsable:
Jaime Arellano Quintana
Redacción y edición:
Leandra Medina
Claudio Soto
Aira Maya
Erika Rojas
Diseño y diagramación:
Marco González
Juan Núñez
Sandra Araneda
Banco fotográfico institucional
Esteban Rosales
Registro de propiedad intelectual:
Esta Memoria de Gestión se encuentra disponible en: y todas sus redes sociales.