One of the key strategic lines developed by JSCA during this period involved efforts to guarantee access to justice for all of the region’s inhabitants.
In 2016, we sponsored a regional competition entitled “Contributions to Building an Inter-American Repository on the Right to Access to Justice.”
The competition was held to unify and shape the regional repository of data on access to justice, identifying points of contact between the practices, decisions and criteria used to interpret and apply instruments related to the law.
JSCA issued a call for research proposals developed by individuals and institutions. A total of 79 submissions were received from 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
A publication containing ten research projects developed by teams in eight Latin American countries was presented in May 2019. These studies contributed to the discussion of the right to access to justice.
Derecho de Acceso a la justicia: Aportes para la construcción de un acervo latinoamericano
Información Institucional
Informe de Gestión
Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas
Director responsable:
Jaime Arellano Quintana
Redacción y edición:
Leandra Medina
Claudio Soto
Aira Maya
Erika Rojas
Diseño y diagramación:
Marco González
Juan Núñez
Sandra Araneda
Banco fotográfico institucional
Esteban Rosales
Registro de propiedad intelectual:
Esta Memoria de Gestión se encuentra disponible en: y todas sus redes sociales.